zaterdag 21 januari 2012

Wood Flooring for Kitchens - Looking Forward AND Backward for Inspiration

If the kitchen is the heart of the home, wood flooring must be the soul! Flooring lays an important decorative foundation for every space in the home, speaking with a voice that may be soft or loud, directing the emotions of all who tread on it. Although many, um, tired and dirty shoes walk indiscriminantly over wood flooring surfaces, the kitchen floor deserves our utmost attention and respect for the critical decorative role it plays in our interiors.


I have gathered a collection of recent wood flooring finds to share with Decorati readers as well as some classic surfaces that I like to keep in my design studio product library. Take note of this fresh combination of tile and wood by Mastro Vitruvio that I just discovered. A luxurious floor, this type of flooring makes a strong (and busy) design statement. My advice when using this type of flooring would be to consider all decorative layers that are to come, to carefully consider if this floor will stand on its own, a statement, or if it will get lost in a mix of pattern. This flooring is designed as rugs or as open framework.

Bona op Domotex

Eric Tersteeg van Bona Benelux laat op Domotex weten druk bezig te zijn in Haarlem met de uitbreiding van het magazijn. "We willen meer op vooraad kunnen hebben en gezien de huidige omvang van ons assortiment is deze uitbreiding gewoon noodzakelijk." Nieuw in het assortiment van Bona zijn onder meer de Bona Traffic HD, een product met een hoge slijtvastheid dat na 24 uur beloop- en belastbaar is, Bona Resident Plus en de watergedragen olie Bona Craft Wood Oil.